0 0 By Tian In UncategorizedPosted September 13, 2017space girlTrying to do some more scifi work. a warm up I suppose, more coming! READ MORE
0 1 By Tian In UncategorizedPosted September 5, 2017Art Journal : Pencil SketchesA couple of sketches I did during my travel in Bali, Indonesia , they are all inspired by local architectures and costumes. READ MORE
0 1 By Tian In Personal Art, sketch, UncategorizedPosted August 15, 2013some more sketches and draw throughs from Wk7~Wk8Buy Viagra READ MORE
1 0 By Tian In Personal Art, sketch, UncategorizedPosted August 3, 2013Some work from Wk6So we are kind of half the term in. So much work, never slept so little in my life! All I could hope for is that hardwork pays off. Here are some work from last week, wanted to show a Buy Cialis [...] READ MORE
0 0 By Tian In UncategorizedPosted May 22, 2013Sketch Dump!recent sketches 😀 totally addicted to pencil on paper again! SO GOOD. READ MORE
0 0 By Tian In UncategorizedPosted October 12, 2012Dragonfly processMy process of creating "dragonfly" READ MORE
2 0 By Tian In UncategorizedPosted September 26, 2012More will come!Building a website has proved itself to be a very hard thing to do. FINALLY!!! I’m getting there! READ MORE