Term2, week one
Finally in term 2! the work load has literally doubled. OMG!
This is the end of week 2 so I will post all the week 1 stuff. week 1 for me was really for trying to get a hold of the time management so nothing is really great, trying to control all the time and stay ahead of the homework – but already feel like this huge homework monster is catching up to me!! Wish me luck!
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Showing 4 comments
These look amazing so far! Would love to see them in color 🙂
thanks a lot! sorry for the late reply. term 2 doesnt allow us to do much colour, guess you will have to wait to see the term3 work 😛
进步好大!线稿场景超酷啊。 ZB模型也做么?雕得也很好啊